About to Yell at Your Kids? Try This Instead! | 11
Let's face it. We all need breaks from our kids. It's impossible to be "ON" 24/7 as parents. Trying to be ON all the time leads to us yelling, losing our cool and doing and saying these we later regret. That's why I think it's so important for us parents to regularly take breaks from our kids. This truly is an excellent skill to model for kids. They'll learn this from seeing us do this over and over again. Ideally, our kids will come to expect this from us and even take their own breaks when needed. Think of parenting as a marathon, not a sprint. Every day, we're running a marathon and we will need periods of rest and mental breaks to get back in the race. In this week's episode, I break down how to tell your kids you need a break, step by step! I also share troubleshooting advice when they get upset by our need for a break and how to take breaks when with infants and young toddlers. Take my free 2-min quiz: What's Your Parenting Style?http://www.themompsychologist.com/quiz