Top Phrases to Teach Kids (to Cutback on Tantrums & Aggressive Behaviors) | 1

Giving our kids the language to use during social situations is KEY. When we teach kids exactly what they can say to get their needs met in social situations, we are building their self awareness, confidence, and ability to advocate for themselves. In general, I'm a fan of teaching good manners (e.g., please, thank you, excuse me), how to advocate for boundaries, how to ask for help, how to communicate their feelings and needs, and how to initiate conversations. In today's episode I will the exact phrases, word for word, to start teaching your child to say. You'll want to start teaching these phrases as soon as possible. Even if you have an infant. You can start teaching them through your modeling. Kids are always listening and picking up on our language (for better or worse, lol). Mind as well be intentional about the language we use so they can start advocating for themselves. Teaching these phrases will cut back on tantrums and aggressive behaviors because now they have the language they can use instead of lashing out with their bodies. It's a win-win! Hope you enjoy! PS: Check out my free discipline workshop, How to Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling, at!