Parenting Triggers: A Step by Step Guide to Managing Your Anger | 33

I know for many of us, becoming a calmer parent is one of our top priorities.  And I love this for us because this places less of the focus on trying to fix and control our child and instead, focuses on what we CAN control, which is our own behaviors and choices as parents.  

But let's be real - Handling our parenting triggers and staying calm in the moment is a lot easier said than done.  

And we're not always going to get this right.

In this week's episode, I want to share a simple step by step guide to managing parenting triggers in the moment.  Towards the end of the video, I also share my own personal experience with anger and what helps me to manage my own parenting triggers.

Don’t forget to check out my free resource, "A Simple Guide to Becoming a Calmer Parent" --


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