2nd Trimester Update Q&A: How We're Preparing Our 2 Kids for Baby # 3 | 31

I can't believe I'm in my 3rd trimester already!

If you missed my announcement episode and you're like "Huh, wait what?!" - yes, ya girl is pregnant and due in late November/early December.

I can't believe I'm in my 3rd trimester already!

If you missed my announcement episode and you're like "Huh, wait what?!" - yes, ya girl is pregnant and due in late November/early December.

Adding a new member to the family is such a big change for everyone so I wanted to share my experiences and answer your questions like:

❓How do you balance staying present and calm during pregnancy (especially with other kids)?

❓How are you preparing your daughters for the new baby? How are they reacting to your pregnancy?

❓What's different and the same about this pregnancy compared to your other two?

❓Do you know the baby's sex?

❓Do you have a baby name picked out?



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