How to Teach Preschoolers to Ride a Bike (Without Training Wheels) | 21

 Learning how to ride a bike without training wheels a is huge developmental milestone.

I’ll never forget the day my mom taught me how to ride a bike. I remember how confident and accomplished I felt when I finally got it down.

Well, we recently taught my 5-year old how to ride a bike without training wheels and I want to share with you what it was like for us and practical tips for curbing our own anxiety as parents so we don’t pass it on to our kids!

In this week's episode, I share:

✅ When to teach your kids to ride a bike without training wheels

✅ Things to know before you start

✅ Things to teach kids before you start including what safety rules to teach

✅ Step by step how we taught our daughter

✅ Tips for managing child and parent anxiety

PS: Be sure to take my free 2-min quiz to find out your parenting style and tips for better connection and cooperation! Link in my bio or go to


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