What Your Child's Worst Behavior is Actually Telling You
It's been one of those days. You know the ones.
Your 5-year-old has been pushing every button since breakfast. Defiant. Aggressive. Nothing you try seems to work. Your patience is paper-thin.
Finally, after the fifth timeout of the day, they look up at you with those big eyes and whisper: "Mommy, are you mad at me?"
Oof. Right to the heart.
Because here's what nobody tells you about those really hard behavior days: They're actually your child's messy way of checking if you're still their safe place. Even (and especially) when their behavior is pushing you away.
As both a psychologist and mom of 3, I've discovered something fascinating about why our kids' behavior often spirals exactly when we need them to hold it together:
When children feel disconnected or unsafe, their behavior tells the story their words can't.
In this week's issue, we're diving deep into:
- The surprising reason your child's behavior gets bigger when you pull away
- Why traditional "tough love" approaches can make things worse
- How to recognize when your child is crying out for connection
- Age-specific ways to rebuild connection (even during challenging phases)
Part 1: What Your Child's Behavior Is Really Telling You
Those intense behaviors that push your buttons the most? They're actually your child's messy attempts to answer a deep question:
"Are you still here for me, even when I'm struggling?"